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Nathan Moynihan

Theoretical Physicist

Fluctuation of the void

About Me
About Me

Hello! I’m Nathan Moynihan, a fluctuation of the void Theoretical Physicist currently residing in beautiful east London. I am a postdoc at Queen Mary University of London, working in the Centre for Theoretical Physics.

  • Residence: London
  • Address: G O Jones Building, 327 Mile End Rd, Bethnal Green, London E1 4NS
Research Interests

I’m interested in many areas of physics, although my main focus at the moment is on understanding scattering amplitudes. These curious objects are what physicists usually calculate when they want to predict the outcome of some scattering event, say smashing two protons together to produce a Higgs boson, an event whose probability is given by the square of the amplitude.

My interest, however, is in investigating the general properties of scattering amplitudes, their mathematical structure and especially how we can use amplitudes to learn about gravity, duality and quantum field theories. In the last two decades or so, there has been an astounding amount of progress from the amplitudes community in these directions, and the future looks promising.

My Papers

See my page on for my papers.

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Contacts info

G O Jones Building, 327 Mile End Rd, Bethnal Green, London E1 4NS